Search Engines

Search DuckDuckGo:
Elongle (X/Twitter)2 | Google Search (Tracked)3 | WayBack Machine4
1Duck Duck Go prides itself in a safe and secure search engine that does not track or sell your information.
2X (formerly twitter) is a leading news app on mobile devices and contains up-to-the minute publicly sourced information.
3Google search will show different information to different people based on Google search algorithms.
4WayBack Machine is used to look up websites that are either no longer online or altered.

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Weather updated September 20, 2024 at 10:59 am Pacific Time

News from Tates PC

13-Sep-2024 ~ 🔄 @LVPCFix provides a hybrid backup solution for easy data access! 💾 Visit for more info on their backup solutions. #HybridBackup #DataAccess

10-Sep-2024 ~ NOTICE: @AiPCFix will continue to provide antimalware support for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 until January 14, 2025. Other services will continue to an indetermined time; however, firewall and antivirus service will end on January 14th, 2025 for both Windows 7 and 8.1.

10-Sep-2024 ~ #TechTip: Windows: Press the Windows key + D to minimize all windows and go to the desktop.

7-Sep-2024 ~ Need a PC upgrade or repair? @LVPCFix has got you covered! 💪 Check out their services at and get your computer running smoothly again. #PCUpgrade #ComputerRepair

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*based on pageviews from visitors in the USA, updated 31-Dec-2023
**claim based on Microsoft's recommended password complexity.